My sister loved horses and used to take me to the barn everytime she took care of me when I was a little kid. I thought horses are nice, but didn't got the feeling I couldn't live without them. 10 years later, probably 1987, my parents sent me to a summer camp and I met Christoph Kleimeyer for the first time.
That summer camp changed my mind about horses and rose my need to ride. Short after the camp my school friend Tanja and I found two ponies to ride. We spent hours in the woods riding the ponies cross country without saddles, as they had none.
Later my sister became pregnant and asked me to ride her mare Sabrina. First I rode Sabrina only on trails but when she was moved to Christoph Kleimeyer's barn I became infected with dressage and started taking lessons with Christoph. Since then Christoph is my inspiration. I was heartbroken when my sister gave birth and wanted to ride Sabrina on her own and therefor moved her to a barn out of town.

Miserable as I was I spent a lot of time helping Christoph, tacking and untacking his horses, grooming, cooling down, etc. Sometimes after school I stopped by at a barn close to my school. The barn owner, whose horses were in training with Christoph, sent me away a couple of times, until one day I met her daughter who was feeling sorry for me and asked me if I would like to take care of Wendigo. At this time I didn't know that that was the best thing that could happen to me. Wendigo was old, wise and very patient with me. He tought me so much. With him I climed from training level to third level without any riding lessons.

I guess the barn owner was a bit impressed and after Wendigo was retired she asked me to ride her mare Waipiti. Everything I haven't learnt from Wendigo I learnt from Waipiti. With Wenigo I rode my first half pass and my first trot extensions. Waipiti tought me the flying change of leads up to two tempis. About the same time I was able to ride another PSG horse: Primeur. During my time with Sabrina at Christoph's barn I met Primeur's owner who was looking for help at horse shows. So we spent many weekends together. When she became pregnant she asked me to ride Primeur.

If you don't have money, you need some talent and lots of luck. I was so lucky to learn on Wendigo a 4th level dressage horse and then continue my learning on Waipiti and Primeur that were both Prix St. George horses. After Primeur and Waipiti were retired I rode Whoopy and Armani, both young horses of Waipitis owner and both in training with Christoph. The death of my beloved Pitti and the sale of Whoopy changed my relationship to Anne in a way that could not be fixed by Armani and decided to stop riding for her.
Because of that my way devided from Christoph. I started working for some professionals like Diethelm Löckenhoff and Martin Volmer mainly riding and presenting sales horses and as a stand in for vacations. But this got soon too much work for not enough money, so I started my own training at different barns where I rode beneath others Dezija and Avantis.
It was 2004 when I got married and moved away from Wuppertal to Erftstadt where I became very busy with training and bought my first own horses Daisy and later Dona, that I had to sell when we moved to Florida in 2010.
In Orlando I started to work as a professional Bereiter. First at Highlife Farms and later at WB Equestrian. I had two horses of my own. First Bingo who I started and trained to 4th level and Ruby that recovered from severe founder. Beneath that I had my own business and own clients.
Back in Germany I was surprised to see so many of my former clients coming back to me for lessons and training and I was very happy about new clients. I bought Fiderfein, my most talented horse so far, but had to sell him after just 6 month because he was not healthy. And at some point I became so busy that there was no time left for a horse of my own. At the same time I went quite often to Langenfeld for trainings.
Ever since we left Florida our dream was coming back to the States. Now we are happy in Michigan and I got the 2014 mare Delight.