*** NEWS ***

***October 2018***
Property shopping! So excited to announce that we are opening JANSSEN DRESSAGE soon!
***September 2018***
Delight is now 4 years and 3 month old and still growing. I am riding her not more than 3 times a week, but she is such a fast learner, that I think next year I can show her 2nd and 3rd level.
***August 2018***
Our second attempt at Woodbine Dressage Show went better. We got 75% in suitable to become a dressage horse and went home with a first and a second place. Good girl, Delight!
***July 2018***
First show with Delight since last year. She didn't like the judge and refused to go close to tent. So, we'll have to come back next month. A new horse in training: Andrea's boy Zeus.
***June 2018***
New clients and new horses keep me busy. Here are some of them: Catherine, Ewelina, Kelly and Kristen.
***May 2018***
Vacation in Florida at my friends Denise's place in Deleon Springs. It felt like coming home. While Lutz and I spent some time at the beaches and went to Pensacola to look at a facility, I always took my time to train Denise's wonderful Deklan.
***April 2018***
Delight and Willy got moved to a new barn. I so love this place because it is so peaceful and quiet. Like a piece of heaven on earth and Delight and Willy are happy. Shortly afterwards Raven arrived as well.
***February 2018***
Our new german Hanoverian at the barn Jagger doesn't mind the Michigan cold and rolled in the snow after I worked him. Landon is watching in disbelieve.
***January 2018***
The new barn manager Tyler is a great guy and installed some mirrors in the indoor. Delight was delighted by herself and didn't spook at all. What a brave girl.
***December 2017***
Temperatures dropping and we are expecting lots of snow. Taking my chance on a nice day to go on a trail whith Willy.
***November 2017***
Raven is the first Tennessee Walker I have in training. I have never been on horse that can't trot, but I am willing to learn new things like dressage tests for gaited horses and the difference between flat walk, running walk, medium walk, free walk, collected walk and extendend walk.
***October 2017***
Unfortunately Kim and Smoke couldn't join our journey to Ohio so I decided to take Delight and Willy to the Standarbred World Show 2017.
***September 2017***
Delight still has her baby moments but in between she becomes more and more grown up and gives me a glimpse of the horse she will become. I can't wait for it, but I will give her time. She just turned three in June. No need to rush.
***August 2017***
Vacation in Florida. It was great to see some of my former students again. Denise did an awsome job with Deklan. He is so much grown up since I saw him last time.
***July 2017***
Willy the off the track Standardbred is now in full training with me. After one week under saddle I took him to the outdoor arena and he behaved very well. He is learning fast and Kim with Smoke and I are planning on taking him to the Standardbred World Show in Ohio in Oktober.
***June 2017***
As soon as the cast was off I was back in the saddle of my clients horses. Delight had an incident with the fence and needed to see the chiropractor before I could ride her again. Frisco and Izzy are making progress and I can't wait to see them in a couple of month.
***May 2017***
The saddle free time was used to desensitize Delight and introduce her to the long line. Something that is really remarkable about her is, that she is pretty selfcentered. She can be the best or the worst horse in the world. It all depends on her decision. Luckily she has decided to trust me and accept me as her leader.
***March 2017***
I broke my little finger on the right hand. For sure not an easy fracture, so I needed surgery and got a ridiculous huge cast that looked like I broke my hand and my arm. Two month of no riding, not to mention everyday things like getting dressed, doing my hair, making a sandwich...
***February 2017***
Delight is is just what her name says. I am riding her 1-2 times a week for 5 minutes. She learns super fast and I love to work her.
***January 2017***
Now that we have settled in it is time for a new horse. I really wasn't looking for another chestnut, but it is as it is. And here she is: Delight. A 2014 mare out of Delveccio who is by Del Pierro (Donnerhall) x Rubinstein I out of a Sir Gasperon (Wendland) x Gambrinus mare. Very nice old Hanoverian bloodlines. I found her at a reliable breeder in Fremont that owns dam and sire as well: Wendelyn Lewis-Van de Laar
***Dezember 2016***
We are now in Michigan and busy with getting started when I got sad news from Germany. Samos who has been suffering with some health issues for a while now has to been put asleep. I am thankful for having been able to show him and for many wonderful trail rides with his owner Christoph. In the picture: Christoph on Samos and Bertold on Renni.
***October 2016***
Max an his owner Michaela are now one year in training with me. Michaela was not sure if she is ready for Max' first show, but there is no more time as our move is right upfront. Max behaved super good an both did awsome at training level and Max was very good with me at first level too.
***October 2016***
The decision is made: We are moving back to the States! Very excited on the one hand and very sad on the other. So many projects that I will not be able to finish. I hurried to get some of the points of my to-do-list done. One was achieving the German RA3 by the FN. There are 10 of this riding degrees in total and you start with 10. Achieving level 3 means I can only do 2 more. Thanks to the Lender's family, the owner of the Quintushof in Kerpen and owner and breeder of Vive La Lumiere CL a 10 yo stallion.
***September 2016***
Having a blast at the horse fair at Burg Satyvey with Yvonne from Equi-Vita. We showed a Star Wars quadrille. Sabine on Rocky, me on Robin, Steffi on Stella and Yvonne with Rasiel. Video: Quadrille
***August 2016***
Shows, shows, shows! Some more first times. I showed Samos for the first time at 2nd level and we placed 4th and I showed Robin for the first time in the same class an we got 7th out of 25. The picture shows me on Christoph's Samos in the lap of honor wearing both ribbons.
***July 2016***
First show for the 6 year old Fresian gelding Friso owned by Silvia. And because Friso behaved so very well, Silvias daughter entered a class as well. That was a very successful day.
***June 2016***
Schooling shows are great for first times. This was the first show ever for Christoph. He did an awsome job riding his Samos.
***May 2016***
Keep on learning! I went to the Horse Clinic Burg Mueggenhausen for a colic seminar, again to the Rhineland Riding Academy for an information day about long rein work and Christina was so nice to allow me to take her wonderful Robin to Dirk Bolten for Cross-Coordination clinic.
***April 2016***
Got mail from the US today. Now I need to figure out how to move back to the States to work on my silver.
***March 2016***
I am pretty busy with lots of horses and clients, but I will never be too busy to go on a trail with my dear friend Sabrina. Sabrina is riding the Fresian Dario and I am on Rosie. Rosie was bought to be a trail horse, but didn't felt comfortable with her new job and didn't behave well. So I rode her and after a few discussions she calmed down and relaxed as can be seen in the picture.
***February 2016***
It's snowing! What a difference compared to the nice Florida weather. But it coulnd't keep me from riding outside on Beatrix' Monty.
***January 2016***
No visit in Florida without visiting my friends. I stopped by for a lesson with Fancy and meeting Stacy and Lisa.
***January 2016***
Another visit of our second home Florida. My husband was so nice and agreed on me showing my friend Svenny's horse Bella. And we did it! I showed Bella 2nd level to get my missing score for the bronze with over 69%! Her highest 2nd level score ever. Bella has never been shown 3rd level so we signed in for 3rd level test 3 and got two scores over 60% and one over 65%. Bella 2nd level Test 1 Bella's scores
***Dezember 2015***
To become a certified trainer you first have to pass an inspection day which I passed in 2013. Now it is time for the 3 week training. At the end you will be tested for two days, practically you will be judged in jump and riding dressage, giving lessons in both, riding a cross country course and lungelining. Theoretically you have to do different test written and interviewed. Not everybody passed the two days, but I did. Now I am a horse trainer certified by the DOSB (German Olympic Sports Organization).
***September 2015***
Training with Christoph Hess at the Rhineland Riding Academy on Silvermoon.
***November 2015***
Got the message that Der Euro is for sale. I know my "gentle giant" is not an easy ride, but I so hoped he had found his forever home after the auction on Highlife. He still is one of the best horses I have ever ridden. Unfortunately I have only one video of him that was taken when he was not fit. Der Euro @ Highlife Farms Orlando
***November 2015***
The training with Silvermoon pays off. First show and brought home a victory. The colors of the ribbons are slightly different in Germany. 1st golden, 2nd silver, 3rd white, 4th blue, 5th red and 6th and above green.
***October 2015***
Winter is on it's way so we are spending as much time oputside as possible. For the horses it is a nice change after the show season.
***August 2015***
Back in Aachen. This time for the European Championship. Spent a lot of time at the warm-up ring. I saw Isabell Werth's error, the disqualification of Edward Gal and very impressive rides of Kristina on Desperados and Charlotte on Valegro.
***July 2015***
Working with horses always means an up and down, forward and backward. It is very rarely especially with young horses that you miss the point where problems appear. But when you got to that point it is always smart to keep calm and patient. There is no short cut, every horse has his own speed of learning. Here on Britta's youngster Sambuca.
***June 2015***
I have been a bit lazy showing this year. But first show for me this year and in the ribbons at 2nd level with Don Manni.
***Mai 2015***
There is no rider and no horse too big or too small for me. Here I am giving a beginner lesson with Patrizia on Danny.
***April 2015***
The winter has been long and cold, now it is time to get the horses out and enjoy some sunlight on a trail ride. Here with Bertold's horse Renni.
***March 2015***
Equitana 2015 in Essen, Germany. I went twice. The first visit was all about buying horse trailers. The picture shows Gerd and Iris, the owners of Don Manni, me and Alex, the owner of La Bonita, and a good friend of her. The second day I went with Ilse, the owner of Silvermoon and Sabrina, who has been helping me with my horses for almost 10 yars ago now.
***Febuary 2015***
Time flies! Chiara's foal Sambuca is 3 years old now. Time to get started. Britta did an awsome job prepairing her and so I was able to do a few rounds of trot when I mounted her for the first time. What a cool girl!
***January 2015***
Using the winter month to train my clients horses for the next show season means as well working on me improving my seat. Here I am taking part in a clinic with Dirk Bolten. Thanks to Anne for giving me her wonderful Rosalie and thanks to Marion for tacking her up and leading her for me while I was exercising with Dirk.
***Dezember 2014***
Learning, learning, learning. Using the time in Germany to study at the Rhineland Riding Academy. http://www.landesreitschule.de/aboutus.html
***November 2014***
Taking advantage of the last nice days this year before winter comes and went on a trail.
***October 2014***
I took Fiderfein and a clients horse to Volker Eubel and got some very good tips how to work both horses more efficient. I love to train with Volker. He had helped me with Daisy a couple of years ago.
Unfortunately Fiderfein has some health issues that will keep him from becoming a show horse, so I decided it will be best for both of us to sell him to a good home to become a trail horse.
***September 2014***
Went horse shopping with a client and came back with this wonderful gelding. Can't wait to show him! Silvermoon is by the famous Sandro Hit out of a Wolklentanz II (Weltmeyer) mare.
***August 2014***
I took three of my students to a schooling show. They did awsome and when everybody smiles at the end of the test you know they had a lot of fun and this is what it is supposed to be.
***July 2014***
Because it has been so nice last year at the CHIO my students gave me another ticket for my birthday. What an awsome day with Anne-Catherine, Helene and Claudia. We saw some of the big names like Isabel Werth on Bella Rose and Mathias Rath on Totilas.
***June 2014***
Sometimes it is just too hot to work. So why not taking the horses for nice and relaxed trail ride and having some fun?
***May 2014***
One of my students that was very happy when I announced that I will come back to Germany. Anne and her wonderful mare Rosalie from Rascalino.
***April 2014***
One year now back in Germany and after a busy winter with lots of training I felt the need of having a horse of my own. Welcome Fiderfein! A 5yo Hanoverian (Fidertanz x De Niro).
***March 2014***
I was so happy when I finally got my 3rd Level scores for the bronze medal, but calling the USDF I was told, that one of my 2nd level scores is not valid as the must be from different shows and different judges. Jeanne a former student of mine gave me her mare Ariel to get my missing score. Unfortunately saturday was cancelled due to upcoming storms, so I only got one chance left on sunday and we didn't made it. Ariel spooked in the counter canter and that left me with a score of 57%.
***February 2014***
One of the best things of our trip to Florida and the Bahams was that I got time to meet some of my Florida equestrian friends. Here Lisa and Stacy, the owners of Fancy that I used to train and Lucie my friend from Pixie Fotography that was taking so many awsome fotos.
***Dezember 2013***
On golf vacation with my beloved husband in Andalucia, Spain. He was so nice to skip a day of golfing to visit with me The Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art Foundation. I wasn't that much interested in one of the shows but looked for a day where you can watch the training. That was impressive and I wish I could have stayed longer and watch them all day. https://www.realescuela.org/en/
***September 2013***
It's coming close to beeing half a year back in Germany. Time to get back into the German show rings! Here a video of me and a Donnerhall son.
Don Manni Show 1st Level
***August 2013***
So many new horses to train! I am overwhelmed and thankful.
***July 2013***
I worked with Britta and her mare Chiara before we moved to Florida. While I have been away Chiara had a beautiful foal. Now I am back and it is time for Chiara to get back in shape. She gets better and better with becoming more forward, activating her hindlegs and getting softer in her back and on the reins. Now we can start working on counter canter and half pass.
***June 2013***
I have never been to the CHIO in Aachen though it is just 30 mins. from where we live. This year I got two tickets as a present from Britta, the owner of Chiara and Sambucca. That has been a nice experience.
***May 2013***
I am back in business giving lessons and training horses. Some of my old students came back to me and I am surprised to get so many new clients that have found me on the internet or have heard of me. To start this business professionally I went to the Rhineland Riding Academy for a one day clinic and got approved to become a certified riding instructor and horse trainer.
***March 2013***
Saying "Good Bye" is never easy but I didn't expected it to be so hard. The decision is made: We are moving back to Germany! In shortest time I do not only had to sell my horses, trailer, cars but get everything ready for the move. I am so glad to have found in Svenny a great new owner for Bingo who is now called Grandino and i am praying that Ruby is doing good and that he is still on his way of recovery. Flying back to Germany I thought about all the things I had to leave behind but then I rembered myself that the most important things are with me: my husband and Phil and Lilo. And my heart is full of loving memories of my friends and beautiful Florida that has become my second home. I am very thankful for the time I was given in Florida.
***February 2013***
La Fancy's first show Snowbird's Paradise by Orlando Dressage has been very successful. After some tension on Saturday, we got Highpoint Champion with a score of 69.6% in the Training Level an got a score of 67.581% in the First Level Test 3.
Click here for VIDEO!
Bingo's third recognized show the Sweetheart Cup by Orlando Dressage started as bad as the last show has ended. Luckily on Sunday we have been able to collect two more scores over 60% in the Third Level Test 3 and this way I got my USDF Bronze Medal.
***January 2013***
Bingo' second recognized show Ocala Winter Dressage by Orlando Dressage has been an interesting experience. We have only been able to collect one more score for my USDF Bronze Medal.
Click here for VIDEO!
***December 2012***
Bingo is back in horse paradise at Sunset Trails and Highlife's La Fancy Nancy is now with me in full training at WB Equestrian.
Click here for VIDEO!
***November 10th 2012***
Again at SEC in Bushnell. Second attempt in 3rd Level Test with 68.7% and first time ever 4th Level!
We got only 58.3% in the 4th Level but got a 9 for the extended trot and some 8's for: half pass right, transitions, collected canter and down centerline. Unfortunately no video this time.
Travelling in Style!
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***October 20th 2012***
After the summer break we went for our first 3rd Level Test and didn't score too bad with 62.3%.
Click here for VIDEO!
***Sept 10th 2012***
Rubinstein's Reggae MF arrived! I am so excited about my new boy :-)
***August 2012***
WB Equestrian has some very amzing horses. One of my favourits: Mc Lovin a 3yo stallion breeded and owned by the WB owners Sally and Marcelo.
See Video here.
***July 2012***
While I am in Germany all my beloved Highlife Babys went to their new homes. I am so happy for them!
WB Equestrian is looking for a Dressage Trainer and after giving a lesson and riding two horses i got the job!
***June 2012***
Highlife is prepairing for the auction in July and all boarders had to leave. At first everybody was shocked but after a while we got settled in and recognized how nice it is to live without the Highlife-Drama. Bingo is as happy as a horse can be at Sunset Trails. All day out in huge grass pasture with 10 other horses and ponies. That is all he needs.
***May 5th 2012***
Bingo's first recognized show has been very successful.
We got Reserve Highpoint Champion.
Click here for VIDEO!